Every creature on Earth exists among a network of various biological interactions, and symbiosis plays critical roles in the global ecosystem and the evolution of life. We are promoting a new interdisciplinary science known as “Symbiogenomics”, where we aim to understand the network of biological interactions at the molecular and genetic level. To this end, we take advantage of state-of-the-art genomics, such as next-generation sequencing and genome editing. We are mainly studying symbiosis between insects and the microbes. We are also developing collaborations among NIBB researchers other academic institutions worldwide through the provision of our expertise. (more…)
New technologies are opening new insect biology.
Genomic revelations of a mutualism: the pea aphid and its obligate bacterial symbiont
Our Omics Support Team contributes to establish a new theoretical framework of evolution,
Shuji Shigenobu is a professor of National Institute for Basic Biology (NIBB). His research interests include symbiosis, genomics, evolutionary biology and bioinformatics. He leads the Laboratory of Evolutionary Genomics in Center for the Development of New Model Organisms. He is also responsible for the management of NIBB Core Facilities as a head of Fanctional Genomics Facility, where he promotes collaborative research projects on genomics working with scientists in the world.
Dr. Shigenobu teaches bioinformatics at the Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKENDAI). He also organizes Genome Informatics Training Course (GITC) at NIBB. He is an Editorial Board Member of Scientific Reports.
PhD, 2001
The University of Tokyo
MSc, 1998
The University of Tokyo
BSc, 1996
The University of Tokyo